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Towards a diachronic Corpus of African newspapers (DiaNewsAfrica)

15.11.2022, 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
S 94, GW I

Vortragender ist Prof. Dr. Thorsten Brato (Universität Bayreuth)

The aim of this talk is twofold. First, I will talk about the challenges of compiling a historical corpus of an African variety on the example of HiCE Ghana. In the main part, I will sketch my ideas for the compilation of a Diachronic Newspaper Corpus of African Englishes (DiaNewsAfrica). Initially comprising four varieties (Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda), a total of six sub-corpora will be created for each variety, starting shortly after independence from Great Britain until today (in ten-year steps from around 1960 to 2020), each containing about 500,000 words of different sub-genres, so that the entire corpus will comprise around 14 million words.

The talk will be rounded off by a view on to if and how the corpus can be extended beyond Africa to provide even more comparable data from other World Englishes regions.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Romina Scharfenberg

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