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Human-Centered Data Science

The Human-Centered Data Science is situated at the intersection of the humanities and computer science. At the University of Bayreuth, we focus on critical methodological training. Students learn how to evaluate data in a way that promotes knowledge, and they acquire a wide range of skills in dealing with computer-based procedures.

Human-Centered Data Science is a subject that focuses on computer-based methods for analysing data. This can be text data, audio or video data, survey data, network data, or complex data that often includes a combination of these different types of data.

In order to be able to analyse such data in a way that promotes knowledge, a precise understanding of existing methods from the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, and network analysis is necessary. Learning about these processes is part of the methodological training at the University of Bayreuth.

In an increasingly digitized world, we also come into contact with data-driven knowledge and decision-making processes every day. These processes are often also based on methods related to machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.

At the University of Bayreuth, we therefore value a critical view of computer-based methods and the associated process chain. This perspective accompanies our methodological training in theory and practice.

Additional information, including details regarding degree programmes, is available at


Contact us

Prof. Dr. Mirco Schönfeld

E-mail: mirco.schoenfeld@uni-bayreuth.de
Web: https://dmkg.uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Romina Scharfenberg

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