Diversity is our Strength
At our faculty you can study in an interdisciplinary environment embedded in international networks. In our Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes we teach students in small groups and thus ensure excellent support. Special features of our degree programmes include their unusual interdisciplinary as well as international links and at the same time influenced by the friendly atmosphere you find on the University’s green campus.
Have we sparked your interest? Here you’ll find the most important information for prospective students!
Are you a prospective international student interested in studying at our Faculty? Here you’ll find an overview of the first steps.
The Faculty and the University offer a wealth of guidance and support to help you develop the skills necessary for achieving success in your studies and future career.
Programme finder
African Verbal and Visual Arts (English)
English and American Studies
German Studies
African Verbal and Visual Arts (English)
Applied Theatre: Theatre as Social Work
Computer Game Studies
European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies (English)
Intercultural Anglophone Studies (English)
Intercultural German Studies
Literature in Cultural Context
Literature and Media
Language – Interaction – Culture
Media Culture and Media Economy
Music and Performance
Opera and Performance
Overview of all possible combinations
Teaching Programme in German
Teaching Programme in English
Didactics of German as a Second Language – supplementary course
Darstellendes Spiel – supplementary course
Data Literacy
Interculturality Research and Intercultural Practice
German Didactics
Intersectionality Studies & Diversity Competencies
Theater didactics