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Media Studies

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Media Studies in Bayreuth combines scientific fields of research and practical areas of application with a focus on computer games and audio-visual. During their studies, students learn that an understanding of media is achieved both through theoretical reflection and in creative practice.

More information about Media Studies at the University of Bayreuth can be found on the official homepage of the department.

Chairs and professorships Hide

Prof. Dr. Matthias Christen

Prof. Dr. Christine Hanke
Digitale und Audiovisuelle Medien

Prof. Dr. Jochen Koubek
Angewandte Medienwissenschaft: Digitale Medien

Prof. Dr. Ivo Ritzer
Komparatistische Medienwissenschaft: Allgemeine, vergleichende und afrikabezogene Medientheorie 

Programmes of studyHide

Bachelor study programmes

Master study programmes

Doctoral ProgrammesHide

Kommunikative Konstruktion von Wissen

Kulturbegegnungen / Cultural Encounters / Recontres Culturelles

Medienkultur und Medienwirtschaft

Contact us

Pia Weber

Media Studies
Phone: 0921 / 55-4602

E-mail: pia.weber@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Romina Scharfenberg

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