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Faculty of Languages & Literatures

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Fields of study

Wissenschaftler und Studierende aus der Fachgruppe Afrikanistik der Universität Bayreuth.


Afrikanistik in Bayreuth is diverse and multifaceted. African Linguistics, Literatures in African Languages, African and Afrophone Philosophies, and African Languages and the Construction of Knowledge complement each other in research and teaching. ...more

Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft

Arabic & Islamic Studies

At the University of Bayreuth, the subject areas comprising Islamic studies and Arabic studies are covered by a single department. Islamic studies is a non-confessional cultural science on a philological basis. Its object of study is Islamic culture in its full historical and geographical breadth. For this purpose, a command of the Arabic language is essential to enable one to understand the full spectrum of the Arab world with its diversity, culture, literature, and norms.                                              ...more


Human-Centered Data Science

The Human-Centered Data Science ist situated at the intersection of the humanities and computer science. At the University of Bayreuth, we focus on critical methodological training. Students learn how to evaluate data in a way that promotes knowledge, and they acquire a wide range of skills in dealing with computer-based procedures. ...more

Blick in eine Bibliothek.

English and American Studies

The research and teaching of Bayreuth’s Department of English & American Studies addresses the linguistic diversity and the literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world since the 16th century up to the globalized world of the 21st century. ...more

Studentin der Uni Bayreuth liest ein Buch in der Bibliothek.

German Studies

Diversity and a wide range of courses in teaching and research characterize the Department of German Studies at the University of Bayreuth. The research groups involved are German Linguistics, German Medieval Studies, Modern German Literary Studies, Didactics of German Language and Literature, and Intercultural German Studies. The supplementary programmes cover literature studies related to the profession, didactics of German as a second language, and didactics of theatre. ...more

Foto von Büchern, auf denen eine Brille liegt. Auf der linken Seite liegt ein Smartphone.

Media Studies

Media Studies in Bayreuth combines scientific fields of research and practical areas of application with a focus on computer games and audio-visual. During their studies, students learn that an understanding of media is achieved both through theoretical reflection and in creative practice. ...more

Studentinnen der Universität Bayreuth sitzen in der Sonne vor dem Audimax und unterhalten sich angeregt.

Romance Studies

The environment of Bayreuth’s Department of Romance Studies is international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary. Programmes in the field focus on the French language in its diversity as well as literature and culture in the French-speaking world, i.e. not only in France, but also in the Americas, Africa, and the Caribbean. ...more

Theatre & Music

Not least because of the importance of Richard Wagner for Bayreuth, one focus of the University of Bayreuth lies in the field of musical theatre. Within the canon of humanities disciplines, the Department of Music & Theatre is dedicated to musical topics with a basic orientation towards performative phenomena and issues. Subjects include musical theatre, theatre, the performative and performing arts, and music, as well as all intermediate forms and genres. ...more

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